
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
MLS Update on Kleefeld, Mitchell, Steinbach, New Bothwell and Grunthal.
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
MLS Update on Kleefeld, Mitchell, Steinbach, New Bothwell and Grunthal.
If you have any real estate questions feel free to ask us.
We are here to help you.
If you like our videos please subscribe to our You Tube channel or like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Stephen Olyniuk
Alicia Olyniuk
Team Olyniuk
Re/Max Performance Realty
Stephen direct (204)981-2009
Alicia direct (204)392-4262

Monday Mar 08, 2021
MLS Market update on Winnipeg South March 8, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
MLS Market update on Southdale,
Sage Creek, South Land Park, Windsor Park, Royalwood ,Island Lakes, Bonavista, River Park South, Dakota Crossing and South Glen March 8, 2021.
If you have any real estate questions feel free to ask us.
We are here to help you. If you like our videos please subscribe to our You Tube channel or like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Stephen Olyniuk
Alicia Olyniuk
Team Olyniuk
Re/Max Performance Realty
Stephen direct (204)981-2009
Alicia direct (204)392-4262

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Weekly real estate market update for Lorette Landmark Ile Des Chene Grande Pointe Oakbank Dugald Manitoba.
If you have any real estate questions feel free to ask us.
We are here to help you. If you like our videos please subscribe to our You Tube channel or like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Stephen Olyniuk
Alicia Olyniuk
Team Olyniuk
Re/Max Performance Realty
Stephen direct (204)981-2009
Alicia direct (204)392-4262

Monday Mar 01, 2021
MLS market report for Winnipeg South and South East
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Real Estate market report. What does the market look like in River Park South, Dakota Crossing, South Glen, Island Lakes, Bonavista, Royalwood,Windsor Park, Southdale, Niakwa, Southland Park and Sage Creek.
This is a weekly Multiple Listings System report for March 1 2021.
What video for more details.
Stephen Olyniuk
Alicia Olyniuk
Team Olyniuk
Re/Max Performance Realty
Stephen direct (204)981-2009
Alicia direct (204)392-4262

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Weekly real estate update for Transcona and surrounding areas. Feb 24 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Weekly real estate update for Transcona and surrounding areas including:
Transcona, South Transcona, West Transcona, East Transcona, Canterbury Park, Summerlea
Kildonan Green, Kildonan Meadows, Devonshire Park, Devonshire Village, Crocus Meadows, Starlight village, Lakeside Meadows
Mission Gardens

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
How to WIN at Multiple Offers in Real Estate
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
How to win at multiple offers!
Do you want to know how to win at multiple offers?
Listen to this Podcast to find out!
If you have any real estate questions feel free to ask us.
We are here to help you.
If you like our videos please subscribe to our You Tube channel or like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter. Stephen Olyniuk
Alicia Olyniuk
Team Olyniuk
Re/Max Performance Realty
Stephen direct (204)981-2009
Alicia direct (204)392-4262

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Kleefeld Real Estate Numbers Oct 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Hello Kleefeld Stephen Olyniuk here and the MLS numbers in for the month of October. Let’s have a look at what they look like. Basically October there were 2 sales and only 1 listing right now. So we are at 0.5 months of inventory available, point 5 of a month. Strong sellers’ market. Average selling price was 275 000 dollars and days on the market is 27.
Last year there were 2 sales in the month of October, so we have flagged 0%, no change on that. Average selling price was $338,000 There were a couple more expensive houses sold last year. Down a little bit to $275,000 this year. We'll see at the end of the year it will be up over for the average over the year.
Month by month when there is only 2 sales, it's really tough to do an average selling price and give you an accurate indication of what the market looks like. I talked about "Months of Inventory". What is the Months of Inventory? It's a metric to determine the speed of liquidity of any real estate market. It's a tool to help you determine what the market is like and it impacts on how a home should be priced.
Basically you would take the active listings which is 1 right now divided by the sales of 2 and that gives you 0.5 months of inventory. 1 to 4 months is a sellers’ market, so you got less than a month, you got a strong strong sellers’ market. 5 to 6 is a balanced market, plus 7 is a buyers’ market.
If you have any questions at all don’t ever hesitate to reach out with us and we hope everyone is doing great out there. Look forward to seeing you around the neighbourhood.

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Transcona Real Estate Numbers October 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Stephen Olyniuk: Hello Transcona, Stephen Olyniuk from Remax Performance Realty and the MLS numbers are in for the month of October. Let's have a look. In October we ended up with 30 sales and only 27 are active listings which gives us less than 1 month of inventory, 0.9% so when you have less than one months of inventory you are in an active, sellers’ market. We will get into that later.
Average selling price 273 000 dollars and average days on the market of 12. So as we talked about this last year there was 29 sales in 2019, 30 in 2020. Average sale price was 277 in 19, down a little bit in 273. I say only down a little bit because of not enough inventory on the market.
We are going to see as the year levels off, finishes off, the average selling will have increased. I talked about "Months of Inventory". What is a Month of Inventory? It is a metric to determine the liquidity of any real estate market. It's a tool to help you determine the strength of the market and it impacts on how you should be pricing your home.
How do you calculate it? You divide the active listings at the end of the month by the number of sales that were in that same month. So basically you had 30 sales divided by the 27 active listings and you get out 0.9% so as we get into it what do the numbers mean?
Anywhere 1 to 4 months is a sellers’ market, with less than one month we have got a strong strong sellers’ market. Balance market is 5 to 6 and 7 months plus is a buyers’ market. With the way the market is going we won’t see any changes in the near future. Predicting a strong sellers’ market into next year.
If you have any questions don’t ever hesitate to reach out to us. Thanks for watching and have a great day.

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Winnipeg Real Estate numbers Oct 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Hello, Winnipeg Stephen Olyniuk here with Remax Performance Realty and the MLS numbers are in for the month of October. Real Estate has been carrying on during the lockdown now. Realty is still an essential service. If you have any questions on how this has been done safely, there's a bunch of strategies in place and I'd be happy to go over them.
If you got any questions about what is going on in your neighbourhood, again please don't hesitate to reach out and ask us. Let's take a look at our progress numbers. Basically in October there was 1 144 sales and 1 578 active listings. It only gives you 1.38 months of inventory. That's the lowest number we have seen yet and it just seems going down and down every month.
Average selling price dripped just a little bit at 348 955 dollars. Let's take a look at last year. Last year 854 homes were sold, this year 1144. That's up almost 34%, amazing increase. Average selling price up from 315 800 dollars to 348 995 dollars, that's a 10.84 increase as well.
I talked about "Months of Inventory" earlier on. What is the Months of Inventory? Well it's a metric to determine the speed of liquidity of any real estate market. It's a tool to help you determine the strength of a market and it impacts on how you would price your home. How do you figure it out? You take the active listings divided by the sales.
You take what we got on the market right now divided by the sales and you got 1.38 months of inventory. What does that mean? Well 1 to 4 months is a sellers’ market. So when you don't even have 2 months of inventory, you got a really really strong sellers’ market. That has been the case all year long and it doesn’t look like it is going to change.
5 - 6 Months is a balanced market, over 7 months is a buyers’ market. So again if you have any questions about what is going on out there? If you questions on how things can be done safely. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Keep safe out there and we look forward to talking to you next month.

Friday Oct 23, 2020
What should you do to get your home ready for a Manitoba winter?
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Stephen: Stephen Olyniuk , and I work with the Remax Performance Realty and I have Dan Engbrecht from House Review. Dan is a Home Inspector and he's going to give us a few tips today, on what you should do to get your house ready for winter. What's the first thing you would recommend her Dan?
Dan: Basically Stephen, disconnect this sub discharge pipe right here at the house. It’s going to freeze, it's possible to freeze in over winter. And next time the pipe runs, it’s going to not move the water and burn out. In spring, you just put it back on. That simple.
Stephen: So, you just take it off, unscrew it, leave it off and put it back on in the spring.
Dan: Yep, exactly.
Stephen: Let's move on to the next item. So, Dan, what's the next thing on our list?
Dan: This thing right here is an exterior water tap. It's frost free, which means that the valve is set back in the house. Every time you put it off, it's going to dribble a bit because it's draining that fluid out of the pipe. Which obviously isn't going to freeze because the valves inside the warm part of the house.
Maybe in winter, you got to make sure that the garden hose is off. Just so that it doesn't freeze. Drain the hose whatever, put it away. The other thing is in an older home, they may not have this frost-free tap. So that one, you want to turn off at the inside, open it here, let it drain. It might get water bulb at the top inside and then just open and let all the water out.
And leave it closed inside and leave this on as the length of that hose is empty.
Stephen: We'll move on to the next item.
Dan: Alright.
Stephen: Then you said we going to take care of 2 items on the list, here right?
Dan: Yes, we are, Steve.
Stephen: Alright.
Dan: We got the down-fold extension it downs itself and keeps the gutters clean. So basically, you want to clean them, spring and fall. In this area here, where there's not many trees, once a year is probably good enough. High tree density, clean it twice a year. Otherwise, you got this tension. This one has already been retracted for winter. In spring, you basically put it back down.
Stephen: Okay.
Dan: So, as you get the melt, it directs the water well away from the house. You got to keep the water away from the house, all cases. Keep your gutters clean, keep your extensions, extended.
Stephen: Awesome. This is Dan Engbrecht from House Review and if you ever needing a home inspection done, fantastic guy to do it. Walks people through the process and does a great job with it. Gives them all the details that they need. And if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate, drop us a comment below. Thanks for watching and have a great day!
Dan: Thank you Stephen.